Monday, July 18, 2011

Sample gluten-free wares from American Gra-Frutti at new Whole Foods!

Do you enjoy the fabulous products from American Gra-Frutti? If so, be sure to visit the new Whole Foods in Cobb County on July 27th and meet Marilyn who owns and runs the company. If you're not familiar with the line, this is your chance to same some of the product for free! Read more about the opportunity below:


American Gra-Frutti News
July 18, 2011

Atlanta's Newest Whole Foods Market To Feature Our Freshly Baked Breads & More

Whole Foods Merchants Walk store will open its doors on July 27th. Customers will be treated to a beautiful and spacious setting. We are thrilled to announce that the bakery department will house a rack stocked with fresh American Gra-Frutti breads, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, muffins, and our new line of crackers. All of these items are
gluten free and many are free of other common food allergens as well.

The grand opening of this store will be a great event. We are looking forward to it and hope to see you there!

*Above images courtesy of American Gra-Frutti. 

Gluten-free in a pandemic? No problem!

Not to make light of the current situation the world finds itself in, but I'm so thankful that I learned to self isolate when I was diag...